Traditional contact lenses provide sight improvements for either near or distance vision. Multifocal lenses, however, can provide a comprehensive vision solution for any type of activity, whether its reading, computer work, or driving. 1. What are Multifocal Contact Lenses? Multifocal contact lenses consist of lenses of various powers, which provides the wearer with the ideal… Read More
There’s nothing worse than itchy, red, watery eyes. If you rub them, it only makes matters worse. Meanwhile, you might also find it difficult to concentrate or focus, making everyday tasks like reading or driving an arduous task. If you are suffering from eye redness, itchy or watery eyes, know that these symptoms are often… Read More
Sunlight is a major source for UV rays, a type of energy produced by the sun. Doctors warn against UV sun exposure due to their harmful effects of skin aging and skin cancer. Although these are major risk factors, protecting your eyes from UV radiation is also critical to your optical health. Wearing UV blocking… Read More
Progressive eyeglasses contain three prescription lenses and form an all in one pair of glasses. The benefit of progressive glasses is that they can be used in all environments. From reading to computer work to driving. Progressive eyeglasses with multifocal lenses are a convenient, one-stop solution for those with vision problems. Progressive lenses are a… Read More
More than 10 million people in the United States are legally blind, but despite this staggering number, there’s a lot of misconception about what defines legal blindness. Being legally blind doesn’t refer to a total loss of vision, but it does mean that a person has less than 10% vision. Two Types of Legal… Read More
Ever since the advent of computers and phones, eye fatigue among humans has been at an all-time high. Blue light emitted by these screens is just one of the reasons why eye fatigue is prevalent. The spectacularly bright light that shines out of our phones and laptops is incredibly harmful to our eyes and can… Read More
There’s nothing worse than the feeling of eye irritation. Rubbing and scratching can further risk the health of your eye but so does doing nothing about the irritation. There are many reasons why you may suffer from eye discomfort, however knowing when to consult an optometrist can make all the difference. Eyelux Optometry breaks down… Read More
Nearsightedness and farsightedness are two common terms we hear all the time related to eye health. If you’ve never had to wear glasses or had an eye exam, these two words might confuse you. Nearsighted vs. farsighted vision means you could easily read a book, but might not be able to see what a road… Read More
No matter how old you are, at one point or another, you have probably experienced a problem with your vision. One of the most common issues people face is a blurry vision. Blurred vision attributes to various causes; sometimes its temporary and other times its more permanent. It could relate to age or the fact… Read More
As you become older, your body will naturally age, and your eyes are just part of the process. Almost everyone will experience eye changes at some point in their life. Some changes are hereditary; other changes are due to environmental factors such as smoking or living in a dry climate. Having a regular eye exam… Read More