
Older woman having her routine eye exam

Why are Routine Eye Exams Vital?

The eye is one of the most sensitive and delicate organs of the body that allows us to see what the world has to offer. Scheduling routine eye exams can ensure the safety of your eyes. Regardless of your age, a yearly comprehensive eye exam will help to diagnose and treat eye problems at their… Read More

Types of eye specialists - Diagnostic testing equipment

Different Types of Eye Specialists to Improve your Vision

Vision, which enables us to experience our world, deserves the best possible care available. You may face some issues with vision at some point in life due to reasons like aging, common eye irritants or simply heredity. To combat these problems, you will need the help of an eye specialist. However, finding the right kind… Read More

vision care optometrist

4 Important Things to Look for in a Vision Care Optometrist

Our eyes are not just the windows of our soul, they are also our window to the world. This is why it is essential to take good care of them. As with most parts of our body, we tend to pay attention to our eyes only when we start to experience some problem. Whether you… Read More

what causes puffy eyes

Eye Basics 101 – What Causes Puffy Eyes?

The eye anatomy and function is complex; therefore many reasons can cause puffy eyes. It can be an underlying medical condition or just something you inherited from your parents.  Edema, which is an excessive collection of fluid, is what causes puffy eyes in the morning, which typically settles down in an hour or so after… Read More

glasses causing blurry vision

Glasses Causing Blurry Vision? Here’s Why

A new set of spectacles invariably adds a new dimension to your lifestyle and personality. It can make you look smart, stylish, and even successful. These characteristics are one positive effect of failing eye vision that requires corrective glasses. However, after receiving a proper prescription from an optometrist and choosing the perfect frame; when your… Read More

adjusting glasses Eyelux Optometry

6 Ways Adjusting Glasses can Better Your Eyesight

Having the right fitted pair of shoes is vital for your comfort and physical health. Similarly, adjusting glasses for your comfort and visual health is extremely important. Glasses which are not adjusted can seem like a tiny problem which can be ignored, but it can cause a variety of issues which affect your lifestyle and… Read More

keratoconus specialist Eyelux Optometry

2 Important Things to Look for in a Keratoconus Specialist

A keratoconus specialist can easily diagnose keratoconus, a corneal disorder of the eye in which the shape of the central area and the adjoining area undergoes changes such as thinning and steepening. Typically characterized by blurred or distorted vision, sensitivity to lights and glare, sudden clouding or worsening of vision, and a need for frequent… Read More

eye prescription Eyelux Optometry

4 Ways to Know if Your Eye Prescription is Too Strong

An eye prescription is made by a subjective test, where the patient is required to answer a series of yes or no questions. Many tests are performed to check the health of the eyes, but the power of the glasses or lenses prescribed depends upon the answers the optometrist receives from the patient. The process… Read More

optomap vs dilation Eyelux

Eye Health: Optomap vs Dilation

Technological advances have made retinal imaging extremely easy and hi-tech. The Optomap is a device that is used to capture an ultra-wide field digital image of the retina. The retina is the light-sensitive tissue in the back of the eye that captures light and makes vision possible. The Optomap captures a 200-degree high-resolution image and… Read More

digital retinal imaging eye exam Eyelux Optometry

5 Things to Expect During a Digital Retinal Imaging Eye Exam

Have you been experiencing flashes of light randomly through the day while looking at an object? Or seeing floaters in front of your eyes? Are you suffering from diabetes? If you nodded yes to any of these, then you should probably be scheduling digital retinal imaging eye exam. Retinal imaging uses a camera-like device to… Read More

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16615 Dove Canyon Road, Suite 105
San Diego, CA 92127

Tel: (858)487-7900 Fax: (858) 487-1896

Monday - Friday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
(Closed 12:00pm - 1:00pm for Lunch)
Saturday: 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Sunday: Closed

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