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At Eyelux Optometry in San Diego, we believe knowledge is power when it comes to protecting your precious eyesight from conditions like glaucoma. Let’s explore this common but serious eye condition and how our team can help you maintain healthy vision for years to come. What is Glaucoma? 👁️ Glaucoma represents a group of eye… Read More
When it comes to vision and eye health, there are some beliefs that become commonly accepted within the public zeitgeist. As you take strides to take care of your eyes, it is important to be aware of what is fact and what is fiction. 1. Carrots Carrots are often perceived as the only food that… Read More
Whether you suffer from nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism, you’ve probably considered other vision correcting options aside from glasses. These refractive errors might be common, but they have the capacity to diminish your quality of life along with your eyesight. When you’re ready to make the switch to better vision with less hassle, there are plenty… Read More
Do you know that old saying, you are what you eat? Well, it seems like science is proving that it’s more true than ever. The foods you eat can directly help or hinder your health. Many people have begun to even treat food as medicine, recommending particular foods and nutrients to promote good health and… Read More
Any time someone mentions an exam of any kind, most people draw back in apprehension. This response is understandable, as the unknown is usually frightening for the majority of people. However, a bit of knowledge on the subject may help alleviate some of the fears. What if you were told the exam would be pain-free… Read More
More than 10 million people in the United States are legally blind, but despite this staggering number, there’s a lot of misconception about what defines legal blindness. Being legally blind doesn’t refer to a total loss of vision, but it does mean that a person has less than 10% vision. Two Types of Legal… Read More
There’s nothing worse than the feeling of eye irritation. Rubbing and scratching can further risk the health of your eye but so does doing nothing about the irritation. There are many reasons why you may suffer from eye discomfort, however knowing when to consult an optometrist can make all the difference. Eyelux Optometry breaks down… Read More
You may have not necessarily heard the word presbyopia, yet it is something you will likely encounter at some point in your life. Presbyopia is a condition related to as age-related farsightedness, which primarily causes your eyes to lose the ability to focus on nearby objects. Unfortunately, it is a chronic condition, that may last… Read More