Digital Eye Fatigue : Real or Fake?

Before you can determine whether or not you suffer from digital eye fatigue, you most likely need to learn what digital eye fatigue is, right? Is it a real disease or is it a myth?
This “disease” is not as commonly known as, say, cancer or diabetes. And though it may not necessarily be life threatening, eye health is not something that should be taken lightly.
Digital Screens and Eye Health: What Do You Know?
You’ve heard it time and time again: We live in a digital world – this is the technological age. Our days are routinely spent looking at cell phone screens, computers, iPads, tablets, and televisions. And while it’s great to have, well, pretty much everything at our fingertips (and in our face), there’s a crucial part of us that’s taking a brutal hit with all of this technology: our eyes.
Simply put, some believe that digital eye fatigue is the uncomfortable feeling after long, drawn out exposure to digital screens (e.g. cell phones, computers, tablets, etc.), in association with close to mid-range distances. Remember when your parents told you not to sit so close to the TV? Maybe you should have listened! And while most of us seem to be addicted to these devices, it’s important to note that we’re not actually intrigued with the devices themselves, but with what they provide us with: text messages, social media, emails, games, etc.
So, while digital eye fatigue may be real and alive, we should probably decipher what’s true regarding the “disease”, and what’s not true.
The Real Deal?
Constant exposure to technology is a shock to our eyes, and has resulted in 65% of Americans reporting various symptoms, including dry eyes, irritated eyes, blurred vision, eye fatigue, neck and back pain, and even headaches. But just because our eyes get tired from staring into a device for too long, does that actually mean digital eye fatigue is a real concern?
Interestingly enough, the evidence isn’t exactly there to support that digital devices cause eye disease. Specifically, there’s no scientific connection that links looking at your iPhone for too long with poor vision.
So, while many people may complain that their various devices are causing the symptoms listed above, it can’t really be proven. Sure, your eyes may become heavy at times, and your neck stiff, but should digital devices be blamed for your ailments? It doesn’t look like it.
In fact, the whole reason that terms like “digital eye fatigue” and “digital eye strain” exist, is because people have (falsely) accused cell phones and such to be responsible for tired eyes. But where’s the evidence? Maybe it is high time to close your eyes and give them a little rest . . . but don’t throw blame where it doesn’t belong. It may just be as simple as you’re tired – period.
Take Care of Yourself
Whether we’re discussing eyesight, weight, stress levels, etc., your health is important. Always remember to take care of yourself. Whether it’s using computer glasses throughout your work day, or taking a few minutes to focus your eyesight on something else besides a digital screen – it’s important to listen to what your eyes are telling you. And though there may not be explicit evidence to prove a connection between digital screens and eye health, that doesn’t mean we don’t all need a break from the technology advances that have seemed to engulf us. Regardless of what’s right, wrong, or true, don’t forget to give your eyes and fingers a break at some point. Turn off the device, and live!
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