The Pros and Cons of Disposable Daily Contact Lenses

There seems to always be a debate about which type of contact lens is the best choice. For many, disposable daily contact lenses are the obvious choice. They are convenient and more hygienic than long-term wear lenses–which are often reused for weeks or months. If you’re considering ditching your glasses, here’s what you need to know to make an informed decision about the kind of lenses you should use.
Disposable Daily Contact Lenses Explained
Daily disposable contacts are aptly named for the ability to simply throw them away at the end of the day. The vast majority of people who wear contacts use soft disposables. These are thin, flexible contacts that are created with comfort in mind. These lenses can correct a variety of common vision deficiencies like nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism.
Cost and Time Convenience
Daily disposable contacts can be a time-saver. You don’t need to clean them, there’s no need for contact solution (saving you money), and you no longer have to keep track of the replacement time on a set of lenses. Many people who use long-term lenses, like weekly or monthly sets, often forget to swap out their lenses. This can lead to hygiene issues or eye damage if proper instructions are not followed.
Most Hygienic Choice
When contacts are used more than once, there may be a buildup of grime, bacteria, or other undesirable materials. Long-wear contacts require frequent cleaning and disinfecting to ensure the lens is safe for the wearer. With daily contact lenses, the prepackaged lenses have already been cleaned to FDA standards and are ready to wear. Daily contacts eliminate much of the contact lens care required with other types of lenses.
Cost of Lenses
If cost is a worry for you, there are many ways to ensure you’re getting the best deal. Consider and seek contact manufacturer rebates, deals at the optometrist’s office, and other potentially cost-saving solutions when purchasing your lenses. Costs vary depending on your specific eye health needs and your insurance plan, so this factor could be a pro or a con. However, with most insurance plans, the cost of disposable lenses are typically the same or less than their long wear counterparts.
The Durability of Daily Contact Lenses
Typically, lenses that are intended to be worn daily are thinner and less durable than those meant for longer replacement times. Since long term replacements are meant to be replaced on a weekly or monthly basis, they are naturally built with a thicker material that is less prone to tear than daily lenses. If you’re concerned about tearing your contact lenses, long-term use lenses might be the better choice for you.
Choices for Eco-Conscious Consumers
For eco-conscious consumers, daily contact lenses may be the undesirable choice. Due to their disposable nature, more plastic waste is produced from these types of lenses. This type of waste packs quite a punch when it comes to environmental impact. If you’re considering a more environmentally-friendly solution to vision correction, long-term contacts or glasses would be the better choices for you.
Determining Your Eye Care
Contact lenses–especially daily disposables–are not available for every prescription. Ultimately, only your optometrist can recommend the right lens or correction for your eyes. Your optometrist will have the best knowledge of new advancements in contact lenses and how those may affect your eye care. Consult with your optometrist to find the best solution for you.
If you’re looking for contact lenses or other vision correction services, consider Eyelux Optometry in San Diego. They provide contact lens exams, contact lens prescriptions, comprehensive eye exams, and other vital services for your eye health. Make an appointment and learn more today about how to best care for your eyes.