Eye Care – Finding the Right Contacts for Sensitive Eyes

Our eyes are one of the most delicate organs of our body. It is essential that we protect them by undergoing regular eye-check-ups. If you get an eye-prescription, then it is important to find suitable eyeglasses or eye contacts, especially the contacts for sensitive eyes.
Glasses Causing Blurry Vision
After consulting an optometrist and choosing the best-suited frame, it is quite irritating when your new glasses give you a blurry image. The reason for this may not always be the glasses. The glasses causing blurry vision could be:
- Because it takes some time for your eyes and brain to adjust to the new prescription glasses.
- Wrongly adjusted glasses or glasses that don’t fit properly on your face.
- Due to an incorrect prescription leading to a headache and blurry vision.
- Unclean glasses.
Contact Lenses
Contact lenses that are most preferred are contacts for sensitive eyes. Apart from finding out the best-suited contact lenses, it is also important to know how to put in contacts with sensitive eyes. Nowadays, usually eye-doctors or a vision care optometrist, prescribe contact lenses for vision problems such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism.
Types of contact lenses
There are many types of contact lenses but the most common are soft and hard (rigid gas permeable) lenses that allow more oxygen to reach the surface of the eye.
Soft contact lenses: They are available in two types: daily wear and extended wear. Both lenses are produced from thin, flexible, silicon-based material and water.
Daily-wear soft lenses: They are the most comfortable and adaptable lenses that are available in a variety of tinted. They often cause difficulty in providing clearer vision in some people with certain eye conditions. Soft contact lenses tear-off easily and need daily removal with special cleaning and disinfection, so they may not last as long as hard contact lenses.
Extended-wear soft lenses: They have the same advantages as daily-wear lenses and may be worn for an extended period, up to even a week. However, daily removal and cleaning are recommended to prevent infections.
Hard contact lenses: They offer clearer vision with certain eye conditions such as astigmatism and amblyopia. It may take longer to adapt to wearing hard contact lenses than soft contact lenses as they also tend to slide out more easily during vigorous physical activity or sports.
Contact lenses for sensitive eyes
Many people with sensitive eyes wear contact lenses, but they experience symptoms like foreign body sensation and a scratchy, dry feeling. Contacts for sensitive eyes must not be worn overnight. The choice of contacts for sensitive eyes depends largely on the reason for the sensitivity.
Many eye specialists prefer fitting gas permeable contact lenses as the best-suited contacts for sensitive eyes for people with dry eyes as they are smaller and don’t absorb moisture from your eyes like soft lenses do.
Your eye-care specialist may suggest treating your dry eye condition before contact lens fitting. Treatments usually include the use of artificial tears, medicated eye drops (produce tears) and dietary supplements for eye nutrition.
Contact Lenses for Astigmatism
- Toric contact lens (shaped like a ring doughnut rather than a standard spherical lens): This is one of the best contacts for astigmatism available today and they are extremely comfortable and don’t require a “breaking-in” period.
- Gas Permeable Contact Lenses (rigid and retain their spherical shape on the eye): This is one of the most popular contacts for sensitive eyes with astigmatism that can correct astigmatism without a toric design.
- Hybrid Contact Lenses: These provide the best of both types of contact lenses for astigmatism; the sharp vision of rigid gas permeable lenses and wearing comfort that’s similar to that of toric lenses. Pros: there is a lesser risk of slipping out from the eyes during sports and other activities. Cons: it takes more time and expertise to wear them than fitting soft contact lenses.
Why do I need to see an eye doctor for wearing contact lenses?
You must consult an eye doctor or any other licensed eye care specialist for wearing contact lenses as they are medical devices that need to be properly fitted (best available at Eyelux) or an experienced and trained optometrist.
Choosing the best-fitted contact lenses is important especially when using contacts for sensitive eyes. As technology improves, newer contact lenses like hybrid contact lenses are being designed just for sensitive eyes. Remember whatever type of contact lenses you may choose, consult your eye specialists for fitting them and knowing how much time you could wear the lens in a day, removal and cleaning procedure as well.