Top Rated Soft Contacts that are Perfect for Your Eyes

The first contact lens made its debut back in 1888, courtesy of one Dr. Fick. Unfortunately, Fick’s prototype suffered a couple of design faults in that material used was heavy blown glass and the actual lens measured 21mm across. They must have been torturous to use. Today’s contact lens is an incredible work of art, thanks to excellent research and developments in the field of optometry. This begs the question, which contact lenses are the best. Keep on reading to find out more.
Truth is, Nothing Stands Out
The indisputable fact is that no single brand or design is best for all wearers. There are many brands of contact lenses, and each brand has unique features that may make it the best choice for users. Considering that more than 90 percent of contact lenses prescribed in the United States each year are soft, this article examines the factors that go into determining the top-rated contacts:
Base Curve – The base curve is the primary fitting curve on the back surface of the contact lens. It should mimic the curvature of the front surface of your eye (cornea). Conforming well to the center of your cornea means the lens surface will be smooth and uniform, providing clear, undistorted vision.
Fitting Test – After your contact lens exam, your eye care professional will choose a soft lens brand that follows the appropriate base curve for the shape of your eye. Most brands feature common base curves that map the average cornea. Your lens may need a steeper – or flatter – base curve unique to specific contact lens brands. Your eye doctor will advise further.
Strength – Some contacts feature extended power ranges for high levels of myopia (short-sightedness), and hyperopia (farsightedness). If you require a strong prescription, a specific brand may prove best for you, your optometrist will know.
Diameter – For precision purposes, the diameter of a soft contact lens is important for centering and comfort. According to the shape of your eye, you may need a large-diameter lens to center properly on your cornea. A smaller-than-average eye diameter generally necessitates a small-diameter lens.
Other Mitigating Factors
Your eye doctor will examine your eyes thoroughly before determining the right contacts for you. You may need a smaller diameter lens, depending on your eyelids and the gap between them with your eyes wide open. This is to assist with fitting and removing your lenses.
If you have astigmatism, as many eye patients do, you will probably need something called toric contact lenses, click here to find out more. Different brands have different designs to ensure proper alignment of the toric powers and to reduce lens rotation between blinking and changes in head stance.
Some soft contact lenses include a feature designed to help the lenses stay moist longer for greater wearing comfort. This is good news if you have dry eyes or your lenses feel dry after a few hours of wear.
One Size Does Not Fit All!
As we suggested earlier in this article, no single brand or design is best for all wearers, and this is because no two eyes are identical. Most of us even have differences between our left and right eyes. Your optometrist will recommend the top-rated contacts most suitable for your eyes.
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