Do I Need Glasses? 8 Signs You Need Them

Most people don’t realize when they need glasses. It’s common for people to wonder to themselves: Do I need glasses? That being said, it’s important to take the matter seriously if you have any suspicions that your vision might be degrading. Sometimes individuals take years to realize they need glasses and only come to know after they undergo tests using the vision test chart. Here are some signs that indicate you probably need glasses and should visit your eye doctor.
Some Common Signs
Most of the time, people experience a few symptoms before they decide to schedule an appointment. We always suggest you come in before the symptoms get worse. Symptoms like frequent headaches, double vision, and halos could be an indication of something more. Visiting your trusted optometrist will ensure your eyes stay healthy and vision stays clear. Here are just a few signs to watch out for:
1. Blurry vision
This is an obvious sign that your eyes aren’t functioning correctly. If you experience trouble seeing far-away or reading text from a book, you may be suffering from nearsightedness or farsightedness. Moreover, astigmatism affects the curvature of the lens causes us to have trouble seeing far as well as near. If you’re thinking “Do I need glasses if one eye is blurry?” then the answer is yes. In such cases, you should visit your optometrist and get your eyes checked.
2. Frequent headaches
If you don’t have a clear vision, you will involuntarily strain your eyes, making the eye muscles work harder, which in turn leads to headaches. Having headaches after you read or watch TV for long hours might mean you need glasses.
3. Double vision
Conditions of the cornea or eye muscles can lead to double vision. Other conditions like cataracts and dry eyes are also tied to double vision. If you are experiencing double vision, you should schedule an appointment with your optometrist.
4. Eye strain or weakness
Concentrated use of the eyes for visual tasks leads to eye strain. Usually, eye strain is caused by extended computer use, straining to see in dim lighting, and bright light exposure. Other symptoms associated with eye strain could be dizziness, blurry vision, and headaches. Going in for an appointment will help make sure you are not at risk for other conditions and also reveal whether or not you require glasses.
5. Difficulty Reading your Computer Screen
Long hours spent in front of a computer screen at the office are often at the root of eyestrain and farsightedness. It is recommended that individuals who work in front of screens look away from the screen at a far-away object every few minutes to avoid strain. Constant eye strain with no relief could be tied to an underlying condition, in which case we suggest talking with your doctor.
6. Night Vision Difficulty
If you have trouble driving or viewing objects at night, it may be a sign that your night vision is fading or you may be developing cataract. These signs are a sign to get your eyes checked.
7. Light Sensitivity
If it takes time to adjust from the dark to the light or vice versa, it could signify an issue with your pupil. On the other hand, light sensitivity could mean that you’ve been spending too much time looking at a screen and require glasses.
8. Halos around light
Seeing halos around different light sources might be a sign of cataracts. Although it could be difficult to tell without proper diagnoses when it comes to the “do I need glasses” question, we suggest talking to your optometrist.
What Should I Do if I Have Any of These Symptoms?
Now it’s time to address the central question again: do I need glasses? The presence of any of these symptoms does not necessarily mean you need glasses. There could be other underlying reasons for your vision problems, or you may need to rest your eyes. To prevent vision problems and maintain your eye health, we recommend an annual checkup. If you are given lenses, you may take some time adjusting to prescription glasses, but once done, you will realize that your improved vision is worth the adjustment period. If your eye doctor has asked you to do retinal imaging test, you may ask yourself, is retinal imaging necessary? Retinal imaging is a painless eye test that takes only a few seconds. The test assesses your eyes for any diabetes-related changes, macular degeneration, or glaucoma and helps you treat these diseases promptly.