Vision Health – 3 Ways to Prevent Common Eye Diseases

Ways to Prevent Common Eye Diseases
Most of us suffer eye problems at some stage in life, fortunately, many are minor and self-correcting. Other common eye irritants could pose serious vision problems that may require interventions from a specialist eye surgeon to halt and correct deteriorating vision. This article addresses some common eye diseases and prevention techniques.
Perhaps your vision is not what it was before. Many of us experience some common eye diseases, that creep up on us gradually and almost imperceptibly. Cataracts, for example, takes a long time to develop before we realize its presence. Eventually, vision becomes cloudy and we concede that there could be an issue and finally, it is off to the eye doctor.
It is important to take eye health seriously, particularly if family history points to eye issues. Each of us should visit our local optometrist once a year, even if everything seems perfectly normal. Vision is the acutest of the senses and the one that we depend on most. Annual checkups – even more frequent if there is a family history of common eye diseases – are the only way of establishing the true health of our eyes.
Early Identification of Common Eye Diseases is Essential
Let’s look closer at some common eye diseases or disorders before deciding on the best course of action. In some cases, it may prove expedient to consult your eye surgeon rather than attempt a DIY solution, because your eyes are important organs.
1. Common Eye Strain
For anyone who works at a computer, reads for hours, or drives long distances know, eyestrain is almost inevitable. It occurs when you overwork your eyes, constantly adjusting focus and range. Fatigue sets in just as it would from over exercising any other part of your body.
Solution – While eyestrain does not classify as one of the common eye diseases, it is easy to avoid simply by stopping intensive eye movement and giving your eyes a break. Digital eye strain relief can come by changing simple habits in your day to day activities. If the problem persists, consult with your optometrist and ask them to recommend effective eye drops.
2. Red Eyes
Bloodshot or red eyes occur when the surface of the eye becomes irritated or infected. Each eye carries an intricate network of blood vessels, which expand when infected or irritated. This expansion results in the bloodshot effect.
Solution – The red-eye phenomenon could be a symptom of another eye condition, such as infectious pinkeye, otherwise called conjunctivitis. This is one of the most common eye diseases. Ultraviolet sun rays can also cause red eyes in the absence of good sunglasses. See your eye surgeon if this problem persists after using appropriate eye drops.
3. Cataracts, Causes, and Symptoms
Aging is the main cause of cataracts developing. This is one of the most common eye diseases that can eventually lead to blindness for people over 40 in the US. Blurry or cloudy vision is the indicator of the disease developing in one or both eyes, but cataract symptoms include:
- Frequent and major prescription changes
- Night vision problems
- Sensitivity to light
- Excessive glare
The good news is that thanks to great advances in technology, removing cataracts and restoring perfect vision is a routine procedure.
The success rate in curing common eye diseases like cataracts is amongst the best in the field of medicine. Restoring sight when blindness seems inevitable is one of the great gifts of life.